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Key Thinkers on Space and Place

Key Thinkers on Space and Place

Third Edition
Edited by:

July 2024 | 528 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Space and place are at the heart of how geographers and sociologists think.  This updated edition of the essential undergraduate text will introduce you to the most influential thinkers in the tradition of social theory, with a new focus on the past fifty years.  This book is designed to engage with theoretical debates in human geography through the individuals who have made the most significant contributions to this field.  This will show you how ideas are shaped by contexts, and how those ideas in turn effect change. This book shows how theoretical understandings evolve, shift and change. It also highlights the connections between different thinkers, whose ideas are developed in collaboration with or in reaction to others. Spatial thought is never developed in a vacuum, but is always constructed by individuals and groups of people located in particular institutional and social structures, with their own sets of personal and political beliefs. The biographical approach of this book reveals how individual thinkers draw on a rich legacy of ideas from past and contemporary generations.

With increased coverage of international and female thinkers, as well as those who work against Eurocentric notions of space and place, this book reveals the exciting reorientation of Geography towards new ideas and methods in the last decade.  Each entry contextualises its subject within on-going (inter)disciplinary debates and important political moments, as well as highlighting connections between different thinkers. Together the chapters uncover the rich and diverse evolution of social theory, equipping you with the foundational ideas of geographical thought.  Each entry offers the following components:

i) a short biography
ii) an explanation of ideas
iii) an exploration of how their ideas have been used and critiqued
iv) a selective bibliography of key publications (and key publications which review or critique)

1. Sara Ahmed
2. Louise Amoore
3. Benedict Anderson
4. Gloria Anzaldúa
5. Mike Batty
6. Bawaka Country
7. Lauren Berlant
8. Nicholas Blomley
9. Pierre Bourdieu
10. Judith Butler
11. Denis Cosgrove
12. Tim Cresswell
13. Gilles Deleuze
14. Stuart Elden
15. Sarah Elwood
16. Arturo Escobar
17. Michel Foucault
18. J.K. Gibson-Graham
19. Ruth Wilson Gilmore
20. Stephen Graham
21. Jack (Judith) Halberstam
22. Stuart Hall
23. Donna Haraway
24. David Harvey
25. bell hooks
26. Tim Ingold
27. Cindi Katz
28. Audrey Kobayashi
29. Bruno Latour
30. Henri Lefebvre
31. Akin Mabogunje
32. Doreen Massey
33. Achille Mbembe
34. Linda McDowell
35. Katherine McKittrick
36. Richa Nagar
37. Gunnar Olsson
38. Aihwa Ong
39. Anssi Paasi
40. Jamie Peck
41. Jasbir Puar
42. Laura Pulido
43. Paul Robbins
44. Jennifer Robinson
45. Gillian Rose
46. Edward Said
47. Milton Santos
48. Saskia Sassen
49. Amartya Sen
50. AbdouMaliq Simone
51. Neil Smith
52. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
53. Nigel Thrift
54. Anna Tsing
55. Yi-Fu Tuan
56. Eve Tuck
57. John Urry
58. Gill Valentine
59. Eyal Weizman
60. Brenda Yeoh
61. Oren Yiftachel
62. Kathryn Yusoff

“This third edition of Key Thinkers on Space and Place is most welcome for its efforts to enlarge the range of thinkers and scholars under scrutiny, reflecting greater diversity in discipline, geography, philosophy, race and gender, opening our eyes to thinkers in the non-Anglophone world, and offering insights into the migration of ideas.”

Prof. Lily Kong
President, Singapore Management University

“Key Thinkers on Space and Place is a refreshed and comprehensive collection of the current state of geography. Across 62 chapters it revisits established experts as well as brings forth new voices, theories and actions. The book - an invaluable reference work - will inspire and develop geographical curiosity and spatial imaginations for new students as well as experienced scholars.”

Prof. Lynda Johnston
Assistant Vice-Chancellor Sustainability, University of Waikato

“This substantially revised compendium provides engaging brief introductions to the thinking of a wide range of influential and contemporary spatial theorists. It is essential reading for students, and for anyone seeking to educate themselves about how spatiality shapes (largely) northern social, economic, political and cultural theory.”

Prof. Eric Sheppard
Distinguished Research Professor, University of California, Los Angeles

Sage College Publishing

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