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An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine

eISSN: 14617196 | ISSN: 13634593 | Current volume: 28 | Current issue: 5 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Health: is an interdisciplinary journal that engages with and interrogates health and healthcare from the perspectives of the social sciences and the humanities. Focusing on critique of norms and power relationships, the journal provides an international forum for articles reporting on original research, theoretical pieces and review essays from around the world. It offers the breadth of outlook required by sociologists, social psychologists, social and cultural theorists and others who are addressing healthcare issues that cross disciplinary boundaries.

"Health: is at the cutting edge of research into the social and cultural aspects of health, illness and medicine. The journal has established a strong reputation for featuring articles that effectively combine empirical research with theoretical insights. I know of no other health-oriented journal that so consistently publishes these kind of articles from across the spectrum of the social sciences. It's a must to read for anyone interested in the socio-cultural underpinnings of experiences of health, illness and health care." Deborah Lupton, Professor of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia.

"Health: publishes some of the most innovative and lively articles in the social sciences of health. The journal makes a unique contribution to the field." Professor Peter Conrad, Brandeis University, USA

Health: is available on SAGE Journals Online.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Health: is published six times per year and each number offers a mix of articles that inform or provoke debate.

The readership of the journal is wide and drawn from different social science disciplines and the humanities, particularly sociology, social psychology, social and cultural theory, and critical policy studies. The journal prioritises papers taking an explicit and nuanced theoretical position within the social science and humanities literature.

Widely abstracted, Health: ensures authors an extensive and informed readership for their work. It also seeks to offer authors as short a delay as possible between submission and publication. Most articles are reviewed within 4-6 weeks of submission and those accepted are published within a year of that decision. The journal features an international group of co-editors.

The journal operates a system of blind peer review for all submitted papers, including those invited by the editors, and those appearing in Special Numbers which may be guest edited. The journal only publishes papers where the proposed contents have been selected by a general call for papers.

Book Reviews:
Each issue of Health: includes reviews of the most recently published books in the field to help readers determine which publications will be most useful to them in their teaching and research.

Michael Traynor Middlesex University, UK
Founding Editor
Alan Radley Loughborough University, UK
Erdem Dikici University of the West of England, UK
Rochelle Einboden University of Sydney, Australia
Jennie Jacobs Kronenfeld Arizona State University, USA
Rebecca Olson University of Queensland, Australia
Chris Till Leeds Beckett University, UK
Book Review Editor
Natasha Alvarado University of Bradford, UK
Editorial Board
Waqar Ahmad Middlesex University, UK
David Armstrong UMDS, Guy's and St Thomas's Medical and Dental School, London, UK
Susan E. Bell Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME, USA
Nicky Britten Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, UK
Kerry Chamberlain Massey University, Albany, New Zealand
Peter Conrad Brandeis University, USA
Robert Crawford University of Washington, Tacoma, USA
Sandeep Rajiv Deshmukh MB/BChir, MA (Cantab), FRCS (Tr & Orth), PGCert (Clin Res), PhD Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Derby, UK
Paul Flowers University of Strathclyde, UK
Lars-Christer Hydén Linköping University, Sweden
Colin Jones Queen Mary University of London, UK
Marit Kirkevold University of Oslo, Norway
Bruce G Link University of California-Riverside
Deborah Lupton University of New South Wales, Australia
Debora A Paterniti University of California, USA
Bernice Pescosolido Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Christian Ritter Kent State University, USA
Trudy Rudge Flinders University of South Australia, Australia
Beth Rushing Georgia College and State University, USA
Wendy Stainton-Rogers The Open University, UK
Stefan Timmermans University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Catherine Waldby University of Sydney, Australia
Gareth Williams Cardiff University, UK
Simon Williams University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
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