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188 Results Found for "Study Skills"


SAGE Business Cases launches to put core business concepts into practice

Los Angeles, CA. SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce the launch of SAGE Business Cases, the first comprehensive business case collection created specifically for the library market. The discipline-wide collection of case studies enables students and researchers to analyze real-world challenges and take on the roles of decision-makers in all types and sizes of businesses.

Understand how action works in the practice of research with SAGE Reference's The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research

Los Angeles - What’s the best way to get people or organizations to act? Can the action be measured? How do you start? The term action research is used to describe the approaches that integrate the research theories with the action itself. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, new from SAGE Reference,explores the entire field, starting with the roots of the methodologies from the 1940s, then all the way to the current, cutting-edge research.

Research Psychology with Sage

Psychology at Sage

Research Psychology with Sage 

Explore the latest developments in your field to inform your current research project​

Researchers make five recommendations for standardized test designers

Los Angeles, CA- Can standardized tests, such as those created in response to the Common Core, enhance education instead of just assessing it? For standardized testing to benefit students, researchers recommend that the tests are used as tools to promote learning, adapt to students’ ability levels, provide feedback, and encourage students to make self-assessments and apply memorized information to new situations.

How to spot fake news and avoid bias – your guide to better (Critical) Thinking

London, UK. How can we make the most of the resources at our fingertips while retaining a sense of control and understanding? How, moreover, can we make the most of the human capacity for reasoning and creativity in an age where technologies like big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are encroaching on areas of expertise?

Exclusive UCL textbook collection from Sage

UCL and Sage Publishing have teamed up to offer you and your students free unlimited access to 96 of our premium textbook titles in eTextbook format, available through your library.

The titles range from discipline specific textbooks, to Research Methods and Study Skills books. All you have to do is look up one of the titles on offer on the UCL library page and you can access it, on or off campus.

